Friday, 15 October 2010


Perception is something we are constantly doing, yet something we are often unaware of. It occurs when we interpret what we see, smell, touch and hear. Many people may see the same situation or product in many different ways but this does not mean that any one individual is incorrect, perception can never be wrong or right- it simply is a person's mental reaction to something around them.

Perception can be defined as follows:
  • The act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. ( 2010)
  • ' a process that involves the recognition and interpretation of stimuli which register on our senses.' (Rookes and Wilson, 2000)

This image would be interpreted differently by most people, despite it being only one, unchanging image. Personally, I see a kind of rocket shooting off, but you most likely see something different. This is because of individual perception.

To find out more these pages are quite interesting:

Encyclopedia Britannica - Extract
Yahoo! Forum - Define Reality?


  1. Thanks for re-sending.Your posting looks lovely but it is too early for me to make any sense of the image:) As you progress with these try to always include the marketing application e.g. through packaging or via print ads

  2. i see a panda from steven
